Social Work Support

JASA's staff of expert, caring social workers is available to assist older adults at various crossroads throughout the aging continuum. Whether you have recently experienced a health setback, a change in finances, a decline in ability to care for oneself or are simply planning for the future, JASA offers social work support to explore options, create a plan for services, and provide short-term or ongoing support.


If you live in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, or the Bronx, and are seeking assistance with a crisis, change in situation or planning for the future, JASA's Senior Community Connection Project helps develop a client-centered plan of care to live full, independent lives in the community. Our interdisciplinary team of social workers, case managers, a registered nurse and pastoral counselor offers comprehensive assessment, service planning, connection to assistance, benefits and entitlements, and other relevant interventions. 

Some of the services provided through the Senior Community Connection Project are:

  • Comprehensive assessment including an in-home or in-office visit, conducted by a Social Worker and/or Registered Nurse
  • Health assessments and support by a Registered Nurse
  • Assistance with legal matters by an Attorney
  • Counseling with a Pastoral Counselor to support emotional and spiritual well-being 
  • Advocacy to help secure all available community services
  • Determining eligibility and assisting in securing benefits and entitlements, including food stamps, Medicaid, Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Access-A-Ride, and others.


If you are homebound and over age 60, JASA provides NYC Aging Case Management for older adults living in Brooklyn Community Districts 13 and 15, which includes zip codes 11212, 11204, 11214, 11223, 11224, 11235, 11223, 11229, 11234, 11235.

Some of the case management and counseling services JASA provides are:

  • Arranging for nutritious, home-delivered meals – both kosher and non-kosher
  • Determining eligibility and assisting in securing benefits and entitlements, including food stamps, Medicaid, Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Advocacy to help secure all available community services
  • Counseling to support emotional well-being and caregiver/family relationships
  • Conducting referrals to help with the demands of daily living, including light housekeeping, cleaning, shopping, laundry, personal care, and other home care services
  • Assistance with managing health concerns


If you live in Long Island and are coping with a serious illness or confronting issues of aging, JASA’s Long Island Center for Dignity and Support provides case management, counseling, nursing services, and community education to people of all ages. Click here for more information.

Special Assistance with Complex Medicaid Applications

The Long Island Center for Dignity Support can also guide older adults, people with disabilities, people with illnesses, and caregivers through the complex process of applying for Medicaid. Our care managers work with and advocate for you at each step of the process from start to finish.

The application process can be complicated, involving multiple steps and forms that must be accurately completed. Many may find it challenging to navigate this process, particularly those who have limited experience with bureaucracy or lack access or experience with online applications. In many cases, the process becomes even more complicated due to an individual’s financial assets and other considerations.

For more information about how JASA’s Long Island Center for Dignity and Support can support you through this process, contact us today at 347-547-7125 or click here to see the brochure. Fees may apply.

Don't see what you're looking for? Call or contact the HELP CENTER 

JASA's Sally and Henry Pearce Help Center is an information center with trained and bilingual social workers who answer more than 4,000 calls and inquiries each year from older adults and their families.

Call the Pearce Help Center at 212.273.5272 or email or click here for a web form.