Elder Abuse Hurts Everyone. UNDERSTAND. RESPOND. PROTECT.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of older adults are abused, neglected, and exploited. Many victims are frail and vulnerable – unable to help themselves and dependent on others to meet their most basic needs.
Elder Justice Program
JASA's Elder Justice teams offer specially trained attorneys and social workers to identify, eliminate, and prevent abuse. This innovative team approach positions JASA as the go-to expert. JASA provides legal assistance and social services directly to seniors. Our elder abuse prevention and intervention programs are available in Brooklyn North and Queens South.
Attorneys obtain orders of protection, litigate to regain misappropriated property, and contact and work with police and the District Attorney.
Social workers provide individual and group counseling, court advocacy, arrangements for lock changes, and case assistance – including accessing benefits and entitlements, and transportation.
If you know someone who may be a victim of abuse, please contact JASA's Elder Justice Team. If you are in Brooklyn North, please fill out this form. If you are in Queens South, please fill out this form.
Professional Training
JASA’s Elder Justice Training Institute provides workshops throughout the year in collaboration with leading community and government agencies. Check back in the fall for new workshop listings.
New York City Elder Justice Conference
JASA co-sponsors the Annual NYC Elder Justice Conference.
For more information contact 212.273.5272 or jasabrookville@smilespepsico.com.