Senior Community Connection Project

Senior Community Connection Project

Intensive Short-Term Social Work Support

JASA's staff offers comprehensive assessment, service planning, connection to assistance, benefits and entitlements, and other relevant interventions. Our interdisciplinary team of social workers, registered nurses, case assistants, and a pastoral counselor work together to help older adults with a client-centered plan of care, enabling them to continue living full and independent lives within their communities.

Some of the services provided through the Senior Community Connection Project are:

  • Comprehensive assessment including an in-home or in-office visit, conducted by a Social Worker and/or Registered Nurse
  • Health assessments and support by a Registered Nurse
  • Referrals regarding legal matters
  • Counseling with a Pastoral Counselor to support emotional and spiritual well-being 
  • Advocacy to help secure all available community services
  • Determining eligibility and assisting in securing benefits and entitlements, including food stamps, Medicaid, Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Access A Ride, and others.

Services are provided in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens.

For more information contact 212.273.5272 or